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Joining Shackle type D LTM

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Buy Joining D LTM Shackles

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Joining Shackles type D LTM are the standard connector used for offshore LTM Chain, which stands for Long Term Mooring. The main difference btween the standard D and the D-LTM type is that the nut and bolt has special security features.

D LTM Joining Shackle

Used Joining Shackle D LTM

Here at Castle Hills we can provide you with Used and Second Hand Joining Shackles type D LTM in Stock in Norway for mooring installations.

New Joining D LTM Shackle

We can also provide New and First Hand Joining D-LTM Shackles in Stock at our APAC locations mostly, to be used in worldwide mooring.


The Joining Shackle type D-LTM comes usually in the same sizes as regular Offshore Mooring Chain, which usually spans from 72 to 120 mm.